Followers of Jesus are discovering new ways to work together as agents of love and grace in this world. The marginalized are being loved. Neighbors are being cared for. Lives are being transformed.
We think Jesus is right in the middle of this shift, forming His church in new ways. And we'd love to help you discover it with us.
The challenge is often knowing how to get started. We get it. That's why we built an incubator designed specifically to help you put faith and love into action right in the middle of your everyday life. You have something beautiful that the world needs, and we're here to help you offer it.
We exist to help you love well.
Do you have a heart for the poor? Want to reach out to your neighbors? Trying to bring people together on your campus? We're here to help you make it happen.
Read about our vision.
We believe Jesus is inviting us into a new way of life that gives shape for how our hearts might find a voice in this culture today.
Many followers of Jesus express a sense of being called to something bigger than themselves. And they sense that God gifted them - knit them together - to take part in that bigger calling. But there is often a gap between this sense of calling and gifting and what they experience every day. Calling Lab will help you narrow that gap.
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