About Us


Who We Are


Incubator - We help believers discover their unique calling and start (or find) a community where they can live their calling out. We then empower these groups to meet the needs of the world around them, and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. We believe following Jesus is most transformative when we actively join Him in establishing His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

Network - Slingshot is also a network linking microchurches with one another for support and greater effectiveness. We're made up of groups that reach out to their neighbors, their school campuses, and the populations they feel called to serve. We connect in hopes of seeing a bigger picture of God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.


What We Offer


Just Getting Started?
If you're new to the idea of forming a microchurch, we'll walk with you the whole way through:

  • Calling Lab
  • One-on-One Consultations
  • Start-Up Materials
  • Coaching

Already Have Something Going?
We'll help you make your idea a reality and connect it with others through:

  • Coaching
  • Network Gatherings
  • Media Services
  • Financial Services

Our Identity


I Am Us For Them, There

It’s a quirky little phrase, but it shapes everything we do: 

I Am - We agree to have our identity defined above all else as disciples of Jesus; Us - We agree to sacrificially love one another; For Them, There - We agree to incarnationally love others where they are, especially the poor and marginalized.

We learned this from God. We believe it is His nature. And we get our identity from His identity:

I Am - One God, The God; Us - God’s nature is a relationship: Father, Son, Holy Spirit; For Them, There - God so loved the world that he came to us when we could not go to him.

Our goal is to embody this through our whole lives. Worshipping God as disciples of Jesus. Loving each other as a family of families. Loving the unincluded, especially the poor and marginalized.


Our Team


Jeremy Penn
Executive Director

Tyler Watson
Board Chairman

Andrew Ralon
Board Secretary

Marlee Fitzstevens
Board Treasurer

Teresa Young-Pineiro
Advisory Team

Julie Mount
Director of Missions

Milena McMurrin
Advisory Team