Reflecting on "For Them, There"
Issue 030
In the last few issues we have been going through this quirky little phrase: I AM = US FOR THEM, THERE. It is a phrase that I hope you find helpful, but if not…forget about it. Don’t let the words become a distraction from the beauty of the message, the message of the gospel. Maybe you resonate with love God, and love others. Maybe you cling to the Great Commission, or the Greatest Commandment. Whatever phrase, or passage, or picture that you need to center yourself around the gospel. I ask you to hold that in your mind as you journey with God with yourself and with your “Us” (Community) through the images and questions bellow.
"Blessings" by Kaai
What part of God’s heart has He shown you?
Has God shown you what breaks His heart?
Are you running towards it?
Which of God’s loved ones does He continue to put in front of you?
Rendition of “Sunrise” by Claude Monet
Who are you close to?
Who makes you smile?
Who thinks like you do?
Who cares for you?
“There is not one person you will lock eyes with today who was not made in the Image of God. They are all His beloved. All of whom, including you, are invited into mission, purpose, and relationship with Him.”
“Together” by Shelby McQuilkin
Who do you see?
Who don’t you see?
Does every "them" have an “us”?
Aren’t you a “them” to someone?
Who is your “them”?
There is not one person you will lock eyes with today who was not made in the Image of God. They are all His beloved. All of whom, including you, are invited into mission, purpose, and relationship with Him. Who are you on mission for? Who is your them?