You Christian are a Minister of the Gospel
Issue 050
February 13, 2018
Often it is perceived that only Pastors, small group leaders, and those who hold a figure of authority in the church are given the responsibility to share the good news of God. But rather, He wants everyone to share who He is, even those who feel so disqualified.
Mark 16 talks about Jesus rising from the dead, He appears to Mary Magdalene and she tells His disciples, but they don’t believe her, often people feel their status can lead to obstruction in sharing their beliefs and in this story new about Jesus.
Later Jesus reveals Himself to two of His disciples, they return and share the news with the rest, but as with Mary Magdalene, no one believed them.
After the disciples failed to trust the others Jesus came to them and “rebuked them for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe (verse 14).” He continues in verse 15 in which “He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
“God still calls His disciples who have betrayed, denied, and lost faith in Him to go and share the Good News. He is not concerned with title and human authority.”
If God will use His disciples after they have messed up, he can will use you. He uses your experiences and trials to reach others similar people.
Jesus’ disciples were far from perfect, as are we. No matter how often or little you pray, read The Bible, or go to church you can use your work, social media, and life to glorify God.
The way I have shared the good news of God is to get involved on my high school campus and connect with clubs and organizations that shine a light in the midst of our hectic high school campus.
It is important to remember regardless your status or standing with God you will always be not only qualified but commanded to share the Gospel with others.